Monday, 14 January 2013

Future is bright for Community Interest Companies

Follow the link to an interesting article from the Founding Director of the CIC Association. 

(Source: Guardian Social Enterprise Network)

Social Enterprise - do you find it confusing?

This is an interesting article on the ongoing debate around the term Social Enterprise:

(Source: Guardian Voluntary Sector) 

Have you had this problem?  How do you tell people what a social enterprise is? Get in touch, and tell us your experiences.

Invitation to tender for marketing consultancy

INVITATION to TENDER for a Marketing Consultancy required to deliver elements of the Powys Arts Marketing Plan Project being delivered by Powys County Council's Arts Service with support from the Community Regeneration Development Fund and the Arts Council of Wales.
The deadline for applications is Monday 28th January 2013.

For information please contact: 
Lucy Bevan
Uwch Swyddog y Celfyddydau
Senior Arts Officer
Powys County Council
Gwasanaeth Celfyddydau Powys Arts Service
Y Ganolfan Ddrama / The Drama Centre
Ffordd Tremont / Tremont Road
Llandrindod Wells

t. 01597 824444

Friday, 11 January 2013

Competing for contracts?

Is your organisation considering bidding for contracts - here's some useful advice from the Guardian Social Enterprise Network:

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Welsh Government Announces £6.5 million support network for small firms

The Welsh Government has opened a new £6.5 million initiative designed to support the growth of small businesses operating in Wales.
The Business Wales One Stop Shop is being delivered by a consortium comprising Business in Focus, Centre for Business, Antur Teifi and Menter a Busnes. The service is being delivered from offices located in Aberystwyth, Bangor, Brecon, Swansea, Llanelli, Newport, Newtown, Pembroke Dock, St Asaph, Treforest and Wrexham.
Established businesses can access various forms of assistance including Business Wales Mentoring, which was recently launched by the Welsh Government, to provide mentoring support from a diverse range of experienced business people.
The creation of a dedicated support service for small enterprises was one of the recommendations outlined in the Micro Business Report for Wales, prepared by an independent group appointed by Business Minister Edwina Hart.
The Minister has said that she intends to establish a Strategic Board to oversee the delivery of the service and provide strategic advice on the needs of SMEs in Wales to ensure continuous development and improvement.

(Source: Grant Finder)