Friday, 26 September 2014


Do you need some funding support?  Have you got an issue around governance?  Would you like to discuss potential project ideas?  Would your organisation like a health check?

We will be in Brecon on:
Thursday 2nd October 2014
Brecon Library 10am - 2pm
Ring 01597 822191 to make an appointment 

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

eProcurement Workshop – Electronic Tendering for 3rd Sector Organisations

Tuesday, 30 September 2014 – 10.00am - 1.00pm
Media Resource Centre, Oxford Road, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 6AH

This workshop is aimed at developing skills and understanding in the use of e-tendering portals such as etenderwales.bravosolutions. The workshop will be an interactive session and will provide delegates with information and guidance on using e-tendering platforms. The workshop will also cover using the Sell2Wales website and how to update and check you profile, and identify tendering opportunities. The workshop will also cover practical help in preparing to tender for public sector contracts.

To register your place on the workshop please e-mail or call 01970 636283


Dear Colleague
PAVO Conference & AGM – Monday 10th November 2014  9.30am – 2.30pm
“A Third Sector Scheme for Powys”

I am very pleased to invite you to PAVO’s Annual Conference and General Meeting, which will be held this year on Monday 10th November 2014.  Please find the programme attached or click here.

The focus of the conference is the development of a Third Sector Scheme for Powys. Such a scheme will be an agreement between the Council, Health Board and Third Sector relating to how the sector is funded and how statutory agencies engage with the sector. It will also address issues such as commissioning and the role of volunteering.
 There will be an opportunity to participate in one of the themed workshops taking place at 11.50am that will give you the opportunity to consider the potential content of a third sector scheme in Powys.
 I very much hope you can join us for the event. Coffee will be available from 9.30am before the commencement of our AGM at 10.00am. A light lunch will be available at 1.30pm to enable networking and talking with stall holders before your departure.
 PAVO’s AGM and Annual Conference provides a great opportunity to meet other colleagues in the sector, as well as partners in other sectors to share information and good practice.
 To let us know if you are able to attend please complete attached form or click here to use the online form, telephone: 01597 822191 or

I look forward to seeing you on 10th November.

Yours sincerely

Martin Nosworthy

Annwyl Gydweithydd

Cynhadledd a CCB PAVO- Dydd Llun 10 Tachwedd 2014  9.30am–2.30pm
Hafod a Hendre, Maes Sioe Frenhinol Cymru, Llanelwedd

Mae’n bleser gennyf eich gwahodd i Gynhadledd Flynyddol a Chyfarfod Cyffredinol PAVO a gynhelir eleni ar ddydd Llun 10fed Tachwedd 2014.  Fe welwch copi o’r rhaglen wedi ei atodi, neu gliciwch yma.

Thema'r gynhadledd yw datblygu Cynllun Trydydd Sector i Bowys. Bydd cynllun o'r fath yn gytundeb rhwng y Cyngor, y Bwrdd Iechyd a'r Trydydd Sector a bydd yn ymwneud â sut mae'r sector yn cael ei ariannu a sut mae asiantaethau statudol yn ymgysylltu â'r sector. Bydd hefyd yn rhoi sylw i faterion fel comisiynu a rôl gwirfoddoli.

Bydd cyfle i gymryd rhan yn un o'r gweithdai thematig rhyngweithiol sy’n digwydd am 11.50am a fydd yn rhoi cyfle i ystyried potensial cynnwys Cynllun Trydydd Sector i Bowys.

Gobeithiaf yn fawr y gallwch chi ymuno â ni ar gyfer y digwyddiad: Bydd coffi ar gael o 9.30am cyn dechrau ein Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol am 10.00am. Bydd cinio ysgafn o ar gael am 1.30pm i alluogi rhwydweithio a siarad gyda deiliaid stondin cyn eich ymadael.

Mae CCB a Chynhadledd Flynyddol PAVO yn gyfle gwych i gwrdd â chydweithwyr eraill yn y sector, yn ogystal â phartneriaid mewn sectorau eraill i rannu gwybodaeth ac arfer da.

I roi gwybod i ni os ydych yn gallu mynychu, cwblhewch y ffurflen atodedig neugliciwch yma i ddefnyddio'r ffurflen ar-lein, neu ffoniwch: 01597 822191 neu e-bostiwch:
Edrychaf ymlaen at eich gweld ar 5 Tachwedd.

Yr eiddoch yn gywir

Martin Nosworthy