Friday, 24 May 2013


Do you need some funding support?  Have you got an issue around governance?  Would you like to discuss potential project ideas?  Would your organisation like a health check?
Come along at meet with PAVO Development Officers on the following dates:
·         Wednesday 12th June 2013    Llandrindod Wells   10 – 3pm      PAVO Offices
·         Wednesday 26th June 2013    Newtown                10 – 3pm      Venue TBC
To make an appointment please contact PAVO on 01597 822191.
We will be working our way round Powys, so watch this space for details of further events.  We hope to see as many of you as possible.  Don’t delay, book today!

How charities can trade successfully

Here's an article that may be of interest:

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Canmol Wales Marketing Awards

The Canmol Wales Marketing Awards are a celebration of excellence in ideas and execution in marketing among companies and not-for-profit organisations in Wales.
Winner will each receive a trophy, a winners' certificate, a bottle of champagne and a day's free consultancy provided by Glamorgan Business School.  Winners will also benefit from significant PR opportunities that arise from winning a Chartered Institute of Marketing Award. Additionally one of the winners will be selected for free entry into the Institute's UK Marketing Excellence Awards.
The 2013 Categories comprise:
  • Construction, engineering, manufacturing including automotive.
  • Arts, heritage and creative industries (including printing, media, publishing).
  • Education and training.
  • Technology and energy (including alternative energy & other low carbon technologies).
  • Professional services including financial services, banking, investment, insurance and other services.
  • Food, drink, retail and FMCG.
  • Life sciences (including pharmaceutical, health service providers, medical suppliers).
  • Social economy (including public sector, charity, third sector and ‘not-for-profit’ enterprises).
  • Tourism, hotels, leisure, place & destination marketing, travel and transport.
Individual Awards
  • Outstanding Contribution.
  • New Marketer of the Year.
The awards are open to everyone, from sole traders to multinational companies.  Entrants should be located in Wales.
The entry deadline is 31 July 2013.
(Source: Grantfinder)

HLF - Heritage Enterprise

Grants of between £100,000 and £5 million are available for heritage projects that have the potential to unlock a heritage asset in need of investment and utilise it as a stimulus for economic growth. It is anticipated that in most instances this will involve the repair and adaptation of a historic building or a coherent group of historic buildings for an end-use that generates a sustainable commercial income.
Not-for-profit organisations and partnerships led by not-for-profit organisations in the UK are eligible to apply. Not-for-profit organisations can include the following:
  • Community or voluntary groups.
  • Community Interest Companies.
  • Charities and trusts.
  • Social enterprises.
  • Community/parish councils.
  • Local authorities.
  • Other public sector organisations.
Private sector for-profit organisations are encouraged to participate but are required to be minority partners in a partnership that is led by a not-for-profit group.
Priority will be given to projects that are located within areas of the UK experiencing economic disadvantage.
Applications may be submitted at any time.
(This report was the subject of a GRANTfinder Newsflash.)

Friday, 3 May 2013

Bridges Social Impact Bond Fund - new fund launched

Investments of up to £3 million are available to provide charities and social enterprises based in the UK with a sustainable source of capital and support, allowing them to focus on delivering crucial social outcomes-based programmes that will benefit society as a whole.
Programmes should be designed to improve social outcomes in areas such as education, employment, housing and care for vulnerable young people. The investments can facilitate the funding of early-stage, preventive interventions which are more effective and cost-efficient than treating social issues after they have arisen.
Organisations must have:
  • A clear social mission.
  • A strong management team.
  • The ability to deliver highly impactful social interventions.
  • The ability to robustly monitor and proactively manage the social outcomes delivered by these programmes.
Interested organisations should contact Bridges Ventures by email to discuss their programme.
(Source: Grantfinder)