Monday, 30 July 2012

How to grow a social enterprise while staying true to your principles


A legal framework is not necessary for social enterprise development

Interesting article:

(source: Guardian Social Enterprise Network)

What do you think??

Lankelly Chase Foundation - new programme launched

The LankellyChase Foundation is now focused exclusively on bringing about change that will transform the quality of life of people who face severe and multiple disadvantage. By severe and multiple disadvantage the Foundation particularly means the persistent interlocking of homelessness, substance misuse, mental and physical illness, violence and abuse and extreme poverty.
The Foundation wants to build a growing network of funded organisations, with 15 to 20 organisations funded in this first grant round. Funded organisations will be brought together on a regular basis (two to three times per year) to exchange knowledge, as well as connecting them with key thinkers and decision makers. Therefore, applicant organisations should be prepared to work in an open, problem solving way and to share their work with others.
The Foundation offers either project funding to enable organisations to pursue specific ideas or core funding to support the overall strategies of organisations. Most grants will be for one, two or three years but funding may be available over a longer period where there is a strong case. The size of grant offered ranges from large (approximately £150,000 spread over a number of years) to very small, depending on the proposition.
Funding is available for the following:
  • Work that promotes people’s voice, power and rights.
  • Existing positive practice and its evaluation.
  • The development and evaluation of new and innovative ways of working.
  • Work that promotes systems change at local and/or national level.
  • Work that builds the social and economic case for change.
Registered charities, community interest companies, companies limited by guarantee without shares and industrial and provident societies in the UK are eligible to apply.
The first stage deadline for applications is 14 September 2012.
(Source: Grantfinder)

Thursday, 19 July 2012


Not-for-profit organisations, including registered charities, local community buildings, schools, universities, museums, and churches in England, Scotland and Wales can apply for funding to help cover the costs of renewable energy technology.

Any generation technology which produces heat, electricity or other power from the sun, wind, water, wood or another renewable source is eligible, provided it has passed a successful trial phase.

Grants of up to 50% of total project costs to a maximum of £30,000 (excluding VAT) are available.
The application rounds close at the end of August and February every year.

The next deadline for applications is 31 August 2012.

(Source: Grantfinder) 

Future Tender Opportunity - Powys Training Tender

PCC is holding an open Provider Forum to discuss the Powys Commissioning and Procurement intentions for Training Services 1.45-4.45pm on Thursday 19 July at the Media Resource Centre, Llandrindod Wells. 

The Commissioning Workshop is open to all existing and all potential suppliers/providers to the council.  PCC request that you restrict attendees to a maximum of 2 people from your organisation.The estimated cost of the contract, excluding VAT is £1,600,000.

To book a place to attend the meeting contact Paul Smith 01597 826875

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

More Nominations for National Lottery Good Causes Awards for Powys

Two other Powys organisation have been nominated for the National Lottery Good Causes Awards.
Melin Talgarth Mill is in the Heritage category.  Talgarth Mill Green Energy Project took a disused watermill in mid Wales and set the heart of village beating once again. They created a tourist attraction, educational centre, community meeting place and cafe.

WISE based at the Centre for Alternative technology in Machynlleth has been nominated under the environment category.  WISE educates thousands of people each year who visit the centre and gain the skills and motivation to adopt sustainable living and working practices.

To vote for any of  the projects go to:

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Local Project Nominated for National Lottery Good Causes Awards

Ten Green Bottles, Hands on Recycling, has been nominated for the Best Environmental Project by National Lottery Good Causes.
Please could you consider voting for them. Everyone who has been involved in this project has achieved extraordinary results and although everyone is a winner they would love your support
The best Environmental project:
*Manufacturing with social values
*People learn skills in the workplace
*Innovation creative design from recycling
Phone 0844 8369692 direct line calls cost 5p per minute from a landline.
(Source: WSEC)