Thursday, 31 May 2012


Up to £2000 per group will be available for supporting identified local need and activity, for small scale capital projects, that will make a big impact.
Groups wishing to apply will go through a funding health check with a PAVO Development Officer.
Groups will be expected to find match funding of 33%

·        Go to:  
·        Call the:         PAVO Helpdesk on 0845 009 3288
·        E-mail: 

First Deadline is: FRIDAY 29TH JUNE 2012

Monday, 21 May 2012

Arts and Business Cymru launch new Arts and Kids Investment Fund

Arts & Kids Invest is a new investment programme provided by Arts & Business Cymru (A&B Cymru). Through scheme, A&B Cymru aims to encourage new sponsorship and grow established business engagement with the arts for the benefit of future generations in communities across Wales.
The focus of the programme is on children and young people experiencing disadvantage. It will support projects that aim to combat this disadvantage and make a real difference to young people's lives through engagement with the arts.
Examples of such disadvantage include:
  • Illness, distress, abuse or neglect.
  • Any kind of disability.
  • Behavioural or psychological difficulties.
  • Living in poverty or situations of deprivation.
Funding levels are dependent on the length of time the business partner has been supporting the arts in Wales. The minimum business investment required is £1,000. The maximum Arts & Kids Invest funding is £15,000. The minimum is £500.
Eligible projects must identify new business money over and above any existing commercial relationship between the partners.
The scheme is open to not-for-profit arts organisation partnering with businesses in Wales. The arts organisation must be the lead applicant.
The deadline for applications is Monday 18 June 2012.

(Source:  Grantfinder) 

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Invitation to Tender

PAVO are inviting tenders from suitably experienced voluntary organisations for the delivery of a befriending service in the Brecon area.

The contract is fixed term, price and funded via BIG lottery under the AdvantAGE programme. The contract will start 2nd July 2012 and will end October 31st 2016

Closing date for submissions is 6th June 12 noon
Requests for application packs should be made to:

Mandy Phillips
Llandrindod Wells
01597 822191

Friday, 11 May 2012

2012 Eco-Innovation Call for Proposals

Got a great business project that could make Europe greener but don't know how to get it off the ground? The 2012 Eco-innovation call for proposals may be for you!
The European Commission grants up to 50% co-funding to finance green ideas: the total budget available for the 2012 Call is 34.8 Million Euros.
The call will close on 06 September 2012 at 17:00, Brussels local time.
It’s primarily aimed at SMEs, including social enterprises, in five priority areas:

-       materials recycling
-       water
-       sustainable building products
-       green business
-       the food and drink sector

Hay on Earth - the Dragon Series 5-9 June 2012

Hay on Earth - the Dragon Series 5-9 June 2012

The Deadline for applications to this years Hay on Earth Green Dragon Series has been extended to 5.30pm on Thursday 17th May.

In 2012, the Green Dragon’s Den event will be running for the third year, with up to £40,000 grant funding from Welsh Government available to help winning projects in Wales (up to £10,000 maximum for the winning project in each of the four categories). Each day has a different theme, featuring specialist speakers, practical workshops, networking, learning and action, with the opportunity to contribute ideas and help others develop theirs. 

We are looking for projects that demonstrate one or more of the following elements:
  • Introduce and prove new concepts that increase sustainability action
  • Link projects, organisations and solutions in more effective ways
  • Make inspired use of seed funding
Please email your completed application form to Darren Gibbs at TYF: 

You can bid to the Dragons in one of the following categories:
1. The Power of Youth - Under 25s
2. Innovation for Sustainability
3. Sustainable Work & Travel
4. Sustainable Community Futures