Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Sustainable Development Challenge Fund (Green Dragons Den at the Hay Festival)

The Sustainable Development Challenge Fund (Green Dragons Den at the Hay Festival) is intended to encourage organisations in Wales to undertake projects that demonstrate "leadership, innovation and more than a little flair".
The sponsor is looking for projects that demonstrate one or more of the following elements:
  • Introduce and prove new concepts that increase sustainability action.
  • Link projects, organisations and solutions in more effective ways.
  • Make inspired use of seed funding.
Funded projects should fall under one of the following categories:
  • The Power of Youth – Under 25s.
  • Innovation for Sustainability.
  • Sustainable Work & Travel.
  • Sustainable Community Futures.
Finalists in each category will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas to a panel of experts and an invited audience, with each category winner receiving a £10,000 prize to carry out their projects.
Any organisation in Wales (businesses, community groups and social enterprises) may submit ideas for a project, which should be a new and innovative approach to sustainable development.

The deadline for applications is 8 May 2012.

(source:  Grantfinder)


Expressions of Interest are sought from Third Sector Organisations (which includes social enterprises) to take over the operation of Machynlleth Day Care Centre from 1st July 2012 to 31st March 2014. 
The Centre is currently run by the British Red Cross. This arrangement will cease on 30th June 2012. 
The Centre is open 5 days per week Monday to Friday 9am to 4.30pm and offers day care services on 4 days per week, and a bathing service on 1 day and provides services to enable individuals to maintain their independence within the local community. Details of the required service are contained in the service specification. TUPE will apply to existing day care centre staff. 

We are looking for a Provider who can demonstrate:

·         Sufficient leadership skills and expertise to ensure a seamless transfer    of the service
·         Record of operational, organisational and staff management
·         Financial viability and robust financial management
·         Evidence of providing person centred services
·         Evidence of achieving good outcomes for service users and carers

Interested organisations should submit their expressions of interest to:

Michele Muireasgha
Pennaeth Datblygiad y Trydydd Sector
Head of Third Sector Development
Plas Dolerw
Milford Road / Heol Milford
Newtown / Y Drenewydd
SY16 2EH
TEL/Ffon 01686 626220
Fax / Ffacs 01686 621537 

at PAVO by 5pm on Tuesday 8th May 2012. 

If Michele is unavailable please contact Hannah Lake on 01686 626220.

Monday, 23 April 2012


The Funder's Fayre scheduled for Friday 27th April 2012 has been postponed.
We are looking to hold the event sometime in June.  Watch this space for more information.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Monday, 16 April 2012


Funding your future: New European programmes and loan finance

Almost £100m of European Structural Funds was accessed by the third sector during the current round of European funding. But what will the 2014-2020 programmes look like? How can we influence the design of the new programmes, and what funding oppportunites are they likely to present?
This event will inform delegates about the developments that are taking place within the design of the new European programmes and will be of interest to any organisation planning their funding future. The event will also offer an opportunity to learn how loan finance, through WCVA's Communities Investment Fund, can support third sector enterprise in Wales.

The Pavilion, Llandrindod Wells
09.00 - 15.30

Powys Funder's Fayre - 27th April 2012

POWYS FUNDER’S FAYRE - FRIDAY 27TH APRIL 2012  - 10.00 am – 2pm
NEWTOWN RUGBY CLUB, Recreation Ground, Pool Road, Newtown.  (Opposite Morrison’s)

Would you like to meet with potential funders face to face?  Come along to the Funder’s Fayre.  PAVO Development Staff will also be available to answer any queries you may have. 
Funders confirming their attendance include Children in Need, Big Lottery, Ashley Family Foundation, Environment Wales, and Powys County Council, including the Community Chest Scheme for sports groups.

The event will be held on a drop in basis, so please bear in mind that you may have to wait to see the funder you wish to speak too. 

Please note that lunch will not be provided, but tea and coffee will be available.

To notify us that you will be attending please phone the PAVO Helpdesk on:  0845 009 3288

Bringing business values to community action

Here's an interesting article:


(Source:  Guardian Voluntary Sector Network)

What do you think?

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Capital One Small Business Competition Open to Applications

Open to applications from today, the Capital One Small Business Competition is designed to find inspirational small businesses with a 'wide relevance', rewarding ambitious entrepreneurs who can demonstrate how their business has improved the daily lives of its customers and enhanced the wider community.
The competition will award one successful business with £10,000 of funding.
In addition to the cash prize, the winner will benefit from a range of product discounts through Capital One, and will also be invited to lunch with Michelle Mone OBE for a business mentoring session.
The competition is open to any entrepreneur aged 18 or over who is setting up a new business, regardless of sector, in the UK.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 24 May 2012.

(Source: Grantfinder) 

Wednesday, 4 April 2012


Big Lottery Fund has announced a new round of Village SOS funding totalling £4million to support rural community enterprises across the UK.

More information and full application details will be made available on Tuesday 10 April.

Go to:  http://www.villagesos.org.uk/competition

(Source:  Big Lottery)

Monday, 2 April 2012


The new Wales SME Investment Fund has been set up to ensure more SMEs, including those who sell their goods and services to consumers rather than businesses, become eligible for repayable commercial investment.
The scheme is designed to create up to 4,000 jobs.
The programme has an overall budget of £40 million available for distribution between 2012 and 2016. It will provide debt, mezzanine and equity funding, with a ceiling of £2 million per investment.
The scheme is open to small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in Wales. There are no geographical limitations, so businesses, regardless of where they are based in Wales, may apply.
Applications may be submitted at any time.
(Source:  Grantfinder)